Scoliosis.. my experience
I wish I had written down exactly what I was feeling when I was going through all the tests and xrays and my brace.. mostly what I remembered was feeling scared and ashamed that my body wasn't perfect.. and I just wanted to share what I remember about my experience. I was about 11 or 12 years old and i was in puberty and it was a very rough time for me, well for any girl at that time.. my body was changing I felt ugly and I was the oldest out of all my friends.. I already had glasses and braces.. so if you can imagine my self esteem was on the rocks. But I was at a routine checkup at my pediatrician and she noticed that my hips were uneven.. she said it probably wasn't anything but that she wanted us to go see a specialist. I remember my mom being freaked out and upset.. now for this whole process my parents did not have health insurance.. they paid for everything out of pocket.. and this stuff can get pretty expens But we went and we met with the spe...